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During our first Makers Day at CC Het Gasthuis two routes are organized, each guiding you through the four work in progress performances. The first route starts at 16:00 and starts its final performance at 17:45. The second route starts at 19:00 and foresees to initiates its last performance at 20:45. Between the end of route 1 and the start of route 2 there is a moment of ‘food & talk’, where the makers and the audience can meet each other. Discover the different works of Makers Day #1 below!



Buy a day ticket for this first Makers Day via this link and sign up for one of the two routes.



Audrey ApersUnder your spell
Under Your Spell is a 3-member band voicing their way through the complex history of witches. They seek connections to all these witch figures and magical practices from personal reflections to see what representations and practices still resonate today. 
Looking at the witch as a symbol of resistance, how do we resist within this society today? What customs and rituals do we hold on to? 
Under Your Spell playfully sings about recipes for magical madness, risky intuition and lucid dreams.


Carla ParcianelloCapricciosa
The term Capricciosa (eng: capricious) means unpredictable, unstable, impulsive. In Western society, it is mostly used in a negative connotation. Inspired by Carla's instantaneous drawings, this solo project depicts a grotesque feminine portrait, in which she delves into her own personality flaws and transform them in her superpowers. Through oblong forms, she manipulates her physical forms and battles against aggressive storms of birds. A constant fluctuation between a socially accepted image of the self and a caricature. A journey of acceptance and transformation into becoming that ultimate creature: the Capricious.


Ondanks Alles (Laura Fonteyn & Arno Knapen)F*cking paradise (working title)
“Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said: This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man. (...) Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.

NOTE: spoken language during the performance of Ondanks Alles is Dutch.


Steffi van BokhovenLIVE/LIVE (stadsdansers)
‘LIVE/LIVE (stadsdansers)' expresses and embodies what lives in-between day to day living and live-performances. The work responds to Steffi’s personal need to go outside, as a dancer as well as a non-dancer, and more specifically to return the ownership of dancing to a collective ‘everyone’. Dance therefore forms the connecting entity between inside(r) and outside(r), between multiple media and within the network of perspectives and projects to which the core idea relates. LIVE/LIVE turns itself inside out and becomes a poetic journey, through which Steffi moves (you) (around).

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