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Platform In De Maak (PIDM) is an artist-run organization that has been facilitating alternative space for the needs of starting stage makers since 2019. The platform is a bottom-up initiative in which starters jointly support a shared need for presentation and experimental space and thus convert this into a sustainable but flexible infrastructure for new performing arts within the Flemish and Brussels professional arts field. Since its inception, the Platform has grown with the changing needs of the makers who participate in and have access to the (infra)structure.


PIDM is looking for participating makers through an OPEN CALL with transparent criteria in which a shared sense of responsibility for the structure of the platform, honest motivation and mutual commitment to the practice of others have the most important place. The makers are also expected to submit a concrete artistic development plan, but since the entire operation is based on starters themselves, PIDM does not focus on the artistic content during the selection, but on the motivation of that plan. PIDM believes that the absence of artistic selection creates the right context for trust and experiment within which makers can develop together within the field.


To date, more than xx makers and collectives have participated in PIDM with their work. The platform's activities aim to bring makers together in a network of solidarity and to promote the work of these makers side by side to a broad audience. However, PIDM is not a production house but a facilitator. This set-up has so far already taken shape as performing arts festivals and maker days with concrete editions in 2019, 2021 and 2022 in Leuven and through workshops and conversations. Currently, 18 makers are going through a collaborative process from September 2023 to March 2025 with partners throughout Flanders and Brussels. Find out more about the process via this link.

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