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March 17-20, 2022

Labora - OPEK, Leuven

PLATEAU 22, was a performing arts festival for new work, in Labora (Keizersberg Abbey) and OPEK in Leuven. Nineteen starting performing artists organized and programmed this festival according to the principle “who organizes, programs.” The festival was the result of an intense collaboration over a period of approximately five months.

The PLATEAU 22 program was put together by the participating and organizing new makers. Some of these makers programmed their own work, others invited external new makers or curated a substantive activity or workshop. During PLATEAU 22 there were various disciplines to discover and both finished performances and try-outs were shown.

Poster PIDM 2022.jpg

The makers

come here find out more about them and their work on PLATEAU22

Oihana Azpillaga

Clara Beel

Jonas Beerts

Ibtissam Boulbahaiem 

Georgy Chtchevaev 

Justine Copette 

Zoë Demoustier

Pieter Desmet

Mirte Desmeth

Eline Dewaele 

Judith Engelen 

Hana Kolić  

Sarah Lauwers

David Martens

Steffi Mennen

Gilles Pollak 

Cinzia Scoglionero

Barbara T’Jonck

Steffi van Bokhoven 

View more atmospheric images via this link

View photos of the artistic work shown at PLATEAU22 via this link

Partners / Thanks to:

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