Platform In De Maak

Margot Timmermans

Margot Timmermans is a writer, audiomaker and dramaturg.
In 2021, she graduated from RITCS school of arts as an audiomaker. After which she further developed as a writer and dramaturge. Her work brings together the performative, aural and narrative. Thus, her work previously developed as audio walks, poetry and an audio monologue. As a dramaturge, she researches "The dramaturgy of the multimedial performative narrative.
Recurring themes are generational transmission, auditory memory and the creation of new rituals.
Margot has previously written and created for Dans Dichter Dans, Wintertuin, Deus Ex Machina, Vonk&Zonen, Kaaitheater, fAUBULEUS, REKTO VERSO, Par Hasard, Permekemuseum and was in the finals of Write Now with her poetry cycle "Weekdier. She is a member of artist collective Hyster-x and part of the development trajectory of platform In De Maak.