Rosslyn Wythes

Rosslyn Wythes' artistieke praktijk omvat performance, choreografie, improvisatie, lesgeven en aquarelleren. Ze is afgestudeerd aan WAAPA (waar ze de Finely Award ontving) en de Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, Oostenrijk. Ze is een oprichtend lid van de Dance Makers Collective en Marones. Ze heeft het genoegen gehad om samen te werken met Australische en Europese choreografen zoals Moya Michael, David Hernandez, Jin Xing Dance Theatre, Jos Baker, La Fura Dels Baus, Rob McCredie, Carlee Mellow, Matthew Morris, Sue Peacock, Rakesh Sukesh, Tanya Voges, Flatline Collective, DirtyFeet, Anything Is Valid Dance Theatre en Ultima Vez. In 2017 vertolkte ze de rol van verteller in Sidi Larbi Cheraouki's stuk 'Noetic' in het Banff Centre for the Arts in Canada. In 2022 ging ze in première met 'Personal Space' als Converge/\Diverge, samen met Holly Macdonald tijdens de 16de Australian Ceramics Triennale. Rosslyns werk heeft steun ontvangen van Create NSW, Ian Potter Cultural Trust, Australia Council for the Arts, Orange Regional Arts Fund, de Country Women's Association, VGC, Saint-Gilles Culture & Vlannderen Cultuur, Jeugd en Media.Rosslyn Wythes’ artistic practice encompasses performance, choreography, improvisation, teaching and water colouring. She is a graduate of WAAPA (where she received the Finely Award) and the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, Austria. She is a founding member of the Dance Makers Collective and Marones. She has had the pleasure of working with Australian and European choreographers Moya Michael, David Hernandez, Jin Xing Dance Theatre, Jos Baker, La Fura Dels Baus, Rob McCredie, Carlee Mellow, Matthew Morris, Sue Peacock, Rakesh Sukesh, Tanya Voges, Flatline Collective, DirtyFeet, Anything Is Valid Dance Theatre and Ultima Vez. In 2017, she performed the narrator role for Sidi Larbi Cheraouki’s piece Noetic at the Banff Centre for the Arts in Canada. In 2022, she premiered Personal Space as Converge/\Diverge with Holly Macdonald at the 16th Australian Ceramics Triennale. Rosslyn’s work has received the support of Create NSW, Ian Potter Cultural Trust, Australia Council for the Arts, Orange Regional Arts Fund, the Country Women’s Association, VGC, Saint-Gilles Culture & Vlannderen Cultuur, Jeugd en Media.