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Judith Engelen

On All Fours - Judith Engelen & Abel Enklaar


Platform In De Maak maker, editions: tftnh (2021), PLATEAU22 (2022) & anniversary edition 2022

Other Platform In De Maak activities where she was a maker


On All Fours - Judith Engelen & Abel Enklaar


On All Fours is an associative performance. In a dark cellar, a memory flows into its own universe: sound and light search for each other, body temperatures are our only source of light and we listen in the dark.

This is Abel and Judith's first collaboration. They found each other through a shared interest in the combination of technology and live doctors. They entered into the experiment together and provide an insight into the results of their research. In the final phase of this project they were reinforced by Manuel.

credits//CONCEPT & PERFORMANCE Judith Engelen & Abel Enklare CO-DIRECTION & SOUND DESIGN Manuel Groothuysen

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