Platform In De Maak
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In a preliminary study of the artistic part of his master's thesis, Georgy Chtchevaev tries to address the concept of 'Dataism' in the form of an auditory experience.
Not Dadaism, but DaTaism is a religion popularized by Yuval Noah Harrari in Homo Deus and which states that we as a society will shift from a humanistic approach to authority to an algorithmic approach.
Big Data will supposedly transform our knowledge about ourselves and our bodies, our society and our reality as a whole until it is in everything around us, including our authorities, to the point where our lives are guided by Big Data.
Is it really that deterministic? Do we have a choice in this? Is it already happening?
Georgy Chtchevaev translates his concerns and thoughts into a first teaser in anticipation of his performance at the end of his master's year at LUCA Drama.
By and with Georgy Chtchevaev