Platform In De Maak
HYSTERIA will be a performance and theater performance about the imbalance of the feminine over the years and the dark ways in which it has tried to come out. While playing, we investigate how hysteria may have transformed into our modern times. We ask the important question of whether there is really anything “wrong” with hysteria patients. Do the symptoms of hysteria over the years indicate illness or are they the medicine? We are talking about mediality, intuition and gut feeling, disbelief, objectivity and medical/scientific distance. We do this, among other things, by studying mythical archetypes.
Concept, image, game: Dagmar Dierick, Britt Das, Ibtissam Boulbahaiem and Femke Van der Steen
Text: Ibtissam Boulbahaiem and Femke Van der Steen
Director: Kim Julliand
Textile design: Lize Mussche
Cassie is a hysterical chick who loves eating chips and taking down the patriarchy.
Sandra is a hysterical chick, loves to pull out the broken ends of her hair and take down the patriarchy.
Sandy is a hysterical woman, loves to be there all the time and take down the patriarchy.
Cas is a hysterical woman, loves NATURE and bringing down the patriarchy.
₥¤₦€¥₥₳₭£₹$ makes and plays whatever makes you feel like a witchy-ass deity.