Platform In De Maak

Maker's Day #4: Retrace your steps; a new reality
19.10.24 – c o r s o
Platform In De Maak touches down at c o r s o on Saturday October 19 2024, with new work in progress performances by emerging makers. This is just one of the six makersdagen organised by Platform In De Maak with the makers of their development trajectory and in collaboration with KVS, c o r s o, De Grote Post, CC Het Gasthuis, CC De Kern and 30CC.
From afternoon until evening, a new generation of makers will take over inspiring spaces with various projects. Prepare for the unexpected, as these makers share their work which is young and still “in de maak” but eager to be showcased to an audience already.
Immerse yourself in a generation of upcoming talent and discover what the future of performing arts holds!
Buy your day ticket for Makers Day #4!
Steffi van Bokhoven – LIVE/LIVE
14:00-14:30 and 18:30-19:00
LIVE/LIVE (stadsdansers)' expresses and embodies what lives in-between day to day living and live-performances. The work responds to Steffi’s personal need to go outside, as a dancer as well as a non-dancer, and more specifically to return the ownership of dancing to a collective ‘everyone’. Dance therefore forms the connecting entity between inside(r) and outside(r), between multiple media and within the network of perspectives and projects to which the core idea relates. LIVE/LIVE turns itself inside out and becomes a poetic journey, through which Steffi moves (you) (around).
Jenneke Slaets – MORPH
14:45-15:15 en 20:45-21:15 + ongoing installation
In MORPH, Jenneke Slaets explores the potential of performance beyond the human body. In an intimate duet, a human body and a non-human object move together as equals. They push, pull, and merge into one, continuously transforming into hybrid, cyborg-like sculptures.
By decentralizing the human body, MORPH challenges us to reconsider our understanding of ourselves and how we might reconnect with both human and non-human others. In light of contemporary technological challenges, we are faced with the question: are we ready to recognize the non-human as an equal with whom we can collaborate and co-exist, or should we cling to a human-centric worldview in order to maintain control?
“... alors on peut bien parier que l'homme s'effacerait, comme à la limite de la mer un visage de sable” (from Les mots et les choses by Michel Foucault).​
Rosslyn Wythes – Self Portraits
15:30-16:30 en 19:00-20:00
Self Portraits is a solo about our relationship to ourselves. It is a performance by Rosslyn Wythes and the many versions of herself. She dances alongside herself, against herself, inside and on top of her own image. Miniature Rosslyns and giant Rosslyns, are sped up and slowed down in an attempt to recapture herself, retrace previous experiences, and transform herself. These relationships are interlocking loops that make an inner dialogue, and the fundamental paradoxes of identity. Reflection and contemplation untangles the threads of self-judgement and social isolation and she weaves them into a new tapestry of co-existence and interdependence.
Anna Schlooz - Tafelen
16:45-17:15 en 20:15-20:45 + ongoing installation
Welcome to the Table. On the menu today: a vegan dish with on the side alternatives for care and family. Since the rise of industrialization and capitalism, the nuclear family has been considered the financially viable social unit of choice. But what are possible alternatives? In the social art project Tafelen, Anna Schlooz explores different forms of family formation and care, drawing from her experiences in youth care and queer communities. Through eating and reflecting together, you will be introduced to her research.