Platform In De Maak
Simon Van Schuylenbergh, Nathan Ooms, Anna Franziska Jäger
ne mosquito pas 3 (NathanAnnaFranziskaSimon)

——— “If you at first don't succeed, Failure may be your style”
(Quintin Crisp)
——— For ne mosquito pas we search our notes from previous performances for ideas that we have worked with in the past but that never made it into a performance. We collected the stories around those ideas, we look for what we define as 'bad taste' and 'good taste' and with this notion we try to make something 'good' with our bad taste. We looked for negative attitudes and second-hand bodies. How can we use less successful ideas and their stories to imagine a future with different possibilities? In ne mosquito pas we each search within our own universe for the state of virtuosity and the associated failure.
——— Ne mosquito pas wants to expand itself in the longer term as a community project with an associated digital platform that exceeds the boundaries of virtuosity determined by the market and the Western view. Anyone can become a member. Currently this can be done by leaving your mark as, the password for the account is 123Jointheclub.
credits: concept: Simon Van Schuylenbergh /_22200000-0000-0000-0000-00000000022 2_ developed and presented by: Anna Franziska Jäger , Nathan Ooms, Simon Van Schuylenbergh / Scenography: Veronika bezdenejnykh and friends, Van Schuylenbergh & Van Schuylenbergh designers Steun:School van Gaasbeek, volksroom, artist commons, SB34 and Ť_22200000-0000-000 0-0000- 000000000222_ĥëăťŗē